
Health and safety for construction workers

Have you ever tried to do anything 'artistic' with gloves on? It's a contradiction in terms to say the least. Yet construction workers 'are' artist mainly. You have to have a 'feel' and intuition for the work. You have to have a sixth sense almost to know when you've got it right.
As soon as you don all of the specified H&S gear, your natural instincts are 'gone'. You are now just a worker-drone, going through the motions much like the robotic car assembly lines. Buildings being created with no 'soul' anymore.
We weren't given our senses so that we could mask them off and stumble around being restricted. We were given them so that we could 'naturally' assess our environment at all times, and act fast to counter-act any dangers or miscalculations that cropped up in our lives.
Take the laying down of plastic sheeting on wooden floors for protection. Somehow, health & safety seem to think it's a great idea and it should be implemented everywhere. I had a stand-off several years ago regarding this very issue. Plastering is a wet-trade, and as the name implies, a lot of water gets used, and dripped or splashed everywhere. What do you get when you put water on top of any plastic sheeting? As any nine year old child will tell you, you get a skating rink.
How many back, elbow and leg injuries are caused on skating rinks? Let alone with razor-sharp trowels in your hand that can slice through an artery in an instant. Cover floors by all means with thin hardboard, but that idea is not only too simple, it's not cost-effective, and that leads to the whole crux of the matter. Money!
Health & Safety is a 'money-gravy-train' thought up by the Boffins that are paid a fortune to sit around all day dreaming up new ways to extract our hard-earned wages and put them to 'no good'. Construction health & safety workers were earning TOO much money and had to be slowed down. This has been achieved by creating jobs for people with little or no intellect to run the lives of those who maybe have 'too much' natural savvy, and brimming with common sense.
Whole industries have been created to serve the 'Heath & Safety' niche`, from equipment that's superfluous, to design and printing of the numerous 'signs' that are put up everywhere you turn, just to make sure you obey the H&S 'rules' of engagement.
For more information please visit our website:www.chinaworkwearsupplier.com

